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Bee City

Pine Lake joins 70+ cities across the US as a Certified BeeCity

A group of concerned Pine Lake residents formed a committee and pursued BeeCity USA certification in 2017. Council passed the resolution in June 2018. Look for future events raising awareness about pollinator habitat. The committee is currently putting together an action plan, and will spread the word to residents as events are scheduled.

“Bee City USA fosters ongoing dialogue in urban areas to raise awareness of the role pollinators play in our communities and what each of us can do to provide them with healthy habitat. The Bee City USA program endorses a set of commitments, defined in a resolution, for creating sustainable habitats for pollinators, which are vital to feeding the planet.”

As a BEE CITY affiliate, we are dedicated to building the health of our pollinators through education and celebration. We became a Bee City in summer of 2018, and have since accomplished the following:

  • 30 volunteers participated in a Monarch Waystation planting at the Public Works Art Wall on 8/26/2018.
  • The City continues to maintain a pollinator meadow adjacent to the Eastern Wetlands.

Pine Lake's Bee City Resolution
Pine Lake's Bee City Committee
How Being a Bee City Benefits Our Community
Bee City USA website